All our yesterdays
are ours forever memory
"the joys are well-savoured
the tribulations a real education
a relationship so perfectly tempered
that the forging has its own
strength and power
only we know"
Our tomorrows are waiting
like mysterious presents,
wrapped up in time,
for us to open..
one by one
"In such premise
I'd only have faith
in our destiny
made good truly together
Allah willing"
But today is here and now
It belongs to us
this perfect time
for love
"ever more happier
we are married
perfect being made...
more perfect "
"no time better than now
to say
I love you truly
and will always be so"
"By Allah who answers our prayers
and loves us
and defines our needs
for he is All-Knowing
gives us each other"
This promise of a perfect life
with you
These beautiful verses by Dean Walley are interspersed with romantic scribblings (in italics) by my dearest husband on a flight over the Pacific Ocean on September 20th 1981
30 years later almost to the day, we sat together in celebration with our then-awaited "tomorrows", still unwrapping each one... to unveil his/her own unique mysteries
What better gifts can we ask for other than these - our children...
Happy Birthday to you "Red Alfa" - who is all of 59 years young today!
May Allah grant us refuge from a knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart which does not tremble, from an ego which not sated, and from a supplication which is not accepted. Ameen...