Friday 11 March 2011

I Am A Carbo Person

And I am carbo-overloaded.

Breakfast yesterday was oats with milk and sugar, and a mug of grapefruit juice straight from the box.

Lunch was 2 bungkus of nasi lemak with sambal and half a boiled egg, washed down with a tall nescafe iced.

Snacks were a sliced cheddar slapped between 2 slices of gardenia, and a packet of fried broad-beans.

Finally dinner consisted of rice, singgang ikan tenggiri, 4-5 bite-sized pieces of daging goreng, kangkong stir-fry.

BURRPPP.... oh. and my fill of plain water throughout the day.

Exercise was just some line-dancing routines - Besame Mucho, Pachanga Loco, Demi Cinta, Madu dan Racun, It's Now or Never - at least 2 rounds each.

Gotta crank it up later today with resistance training and cardios.

Dieting is out of the question.

Weight not budging yet... which figures...


Naz in Norway said...

Salam Kak Zen,
I love you because of the title of this post! ;D

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Zen,
And mine is high protein....tuna, salmon, beef, chicken...yeay...weight not budging too. purrr....meow!

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Gee u r indeed high maintenance, what about your 3 fruits & 5vegetables per day? :))

Zendra-Maria said...

Salam Naz, I am an extreme carbo person... HIGH-FIVES!!!

Zendra-Maria said...

Cats, you all on that atkins diet? That guy collapsed and died, I read. Me must have carbohydrates for good peristalsis OK? *winks*

Zendra-Maria said...

Tommy, I am what our friend Irene calls a 5-series model... which is synonymous with high-maintenance... :)

Fruit - I think I had an apple before the oats. Must have 3 aah? I'll get colicky...